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Reader Interactions


  1. Kathy Brown says

    I know this blog post is about a budget but I really need to buy this outfit you have shown… Maybe I’ll start my budget after that purchase.

  2. Lauren says

    Yes! We are finally debt free and it feels awesome, we just need to work on putting more away for retirement.

  3. Joanna says

    This is such an awesome post! I am the worst with delayed gratification… I am more of a “I need it right now” type, which I know I need to get better at for sure.

  4. Jessica Sheppard says

    The best post of the day…or maybe the year! Lol! Seriously so good and actually life changing! I’m with you, sometimes I’m a little impulsive so the self control or delayed gratification is what I need! Love blessing the next generation by being a good steward. Just the best advice ever, and I didn’t even have to read a book! Yay!

    • angelle Marix says

      I LOVE YOUUUUU!!! Thanks my friend!! This has been a lifestyle shift for me, but a much needed one.

  5. Kaylee says

    I started to really budget my money and not buy so many want items and have been surprised with how well I have done. It makes me regret not starting sooner.

  6. Ashley says

    Such an insightful post! Budgeting can be SO hard!! On another note, completely obsessed with your romper. LOVE those ruffles!

  7. Ruthie says

    Ben and I read this together for encouragement! We just started our cash budget TODAY as it was pay day and this resonates with us SO well. Thank you for being such an INCREDIBLE example to ALL of us!! I need this in my life and I am glad that you have shown me it is possible to save, have nice things and have self control!!! XO

  8. Stephanie says

    these are awesome thoughts! i’ve always been a budget person because it’s how my parents are, and thankfully my boyfriend is too, so that helps us – but with a passive income from blogging, it can be a little more challenging to stick to that typical budget hah! i gotta work on that!

  9. Nina says

    We have so many money related conversations in our house too and don’t always see eye to eye but it is so important to keep the convo going!

    xx Nina

  10. Dia All The Things I Do says

    I love that! Telling it where to go instead of wondering where it went. It is also something that causes me anxiety from time to time but I feel better when I check in with my finances.

  11. Cameron - Diary of a Southern Millennial says

    Let me start off by saying I love your outfit! And since I’ve been out of school, budgeting is so important for me. With student loan payments due every month and groceries to buy, rent to pay, etc., it keeps me on track and not overspending!

  12. Lacy says

    So true!! We follow one, I just want more in some shopping categories ha! Very little there, but I am blessed to stay at home with my 4 kids too. Did you always stay home or have a flexible job since your kids have been born?