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RED cape dress • - Dashing Darlin'
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Reader Interactions


  1. janna doan says

    angelle–there is NO DOUBT that RED IS YOUR COLOR babe!! anything red or with a cape makes me think of you cause you rock it!!! and honestly, i think the color red embodies who you are so it is so fitting. i love how you paired it with tassel earrings (still need a pair of those). PS–i fully support your red purchases. esp that bag, what a steal! xoxo,

    janna | http://www.jannadoan.com

    • dashingdarlinblog says

      THANKSSSS, Janna!!! You are the sweetest. I actually have another collab next week sharing a cape. Ha!! So kind of you to think of me and share such loving words. You are amazing. That little red purse is adorbs for that price.. Right?


  2. Ruthie says

    THIS IS DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!!! Red is for sure your color!! I loved this quote!! “The color RED: the single most dynamic and passionate color, symbolizes LOVE, courage. RED has great emotional impact. You love big. When choosing RED, it portrays that you are a natural born leader. You lead with optimism. Those who select RED exude powerful energy. And, desire to live life to the fullest.” I wonder if that goes for me! I only wear red lipstick lol

  3. Dom says

    WHOA! You are so beautiful! That colour is absolutely stunning on you! I wish there was more red clothing…it’s kind of hard to find!

  4. Clare Speer says

    So stunning – I just love red and you look fabulous in it! It’s such a bold and bright color – it speaks energy and determination!