Four years ago, I officially launched Dashing Darlin’. It was the scariest leap into unknown waters that I have ever taken since that high diving board at Riverland’s Country Club in 1985. It hasn’t always been an easy decision because I’m a recovering people pleaser. But, y’all, I’ve felt God’s pleasure and assurance every inch of the way. And, I’ve felt His grace and support every single day. In this sea of bloggers, you have to know who you, what your brand expresses about who you are, and then unapologetically, SHINE.
So, I wanted to just share four lessons that I have learned in these last four years because it may encourage my fellow bloggers or friends. We are on this journey to be free and to be our TRUE selves so we can always learn and help others learn too.
He didn’t ask me to be her. He asked me to be ME. He didn’t ask you to be her. He asked you to be YOU. This is the biggest struggle of mankind. We think that we are in competition for the award, “MOST LOVED”, and then, we get sucked into trying to imitate those around us who we think are successful, more beautiful, more creative, or more talented. Which is all lies. I’ve learned to just embrace all of me: my short physique, my blemishes, my quirkiness, my inability to be organized, and etc. When I chose and still choose over and over to live from that place that I’m already LOVED by my creator, this blogging stuff is never going to shake me and it sure as heck doesn’t define me.
“The more you like yourself, the less you are like
everyone else, which makes you unique.”
~Walt Disney
I am a perfume fanatic!!!!! For me, scents will arouse joy or ruin the mood!! The smell of seafood just smacks me hard in the face, and I want to vomit. This is how important it is to carry God’s sweet scent. When we walk in love, confidence, joy, grace, we give off His scent.
“Be imitators of God in everything you do, for then you will represent your Father as his beloved sons and daughters…. His great love for us was pleasing to God, like an aroma of adoration— a sweet healing fragrance.” Eph. 5:1-2
We all need each other. That is the beauty of friendship. It makes life a little grander. In this adult life, I have learned that life is richer and more enjoyable when you can celebrate the victories and the accomplishments of those around us. It has freed me too from that mad game of comparison. Remember, we live from a place that we are already LOVED.
“When you stop seeing others as rivals,
you will celebrate
who they are rather than envy them.”
~Lisa Bevere
I have had moments of wrestling with fear of the unknown. It exposed that there is still an annoying, tiny voice that tries to whisper the lies of self doubt: “You don’t have what it takes.”, “You are too old.”, “You can’t ever be as good as them.”, “You aren’t smart enough to accomplish those dreams and aspirations.”. Well, I have learned what to do when that those lies come pounding on my door. I seriously say in my mind “DON’T DO IT. STOP, JUST STOP.”. Being a dreamer is just how I was designed. Heck, it was how we were all designed. I want to tell you today, “DREAM MY FRIEND!!”. Don’t ever let fear or shame hold you back. “A head full of fear has no room to dream.”
“Your life has purpose. Your story is important. Your DREAMS count. Your voice matters. You born to make an impact.”
I can never thank you all enough for being there for me and believing in me!!!!! And, I can’t forget that this blog wouldn’t be where it is without each one of YOU. I’m so blessed by each one of you EVERY single day!!! Thanks for following along with all of my shenanigans!! Jesus has blown my mind every step of the way. I think that my heart could explode!
Love you! So proud of you?
Thanks, Mom!! Love you