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Reader Interactions


  1. lydia says

    Thanks SO much for sharing those 3 truths, exactly what I needed to hear. Those are 3 things I struggle with as well and just such a great reminder to always have. Also, this whole outfit is SO good. The cutest bag that I’m just obsessing over. Thanks for sharing! Love your blog posts as always.

    xo, Lydia

  2. Laura Leigh says

    You are so cute and so sweet for sharing this post! Love how open about your faith you are. It is SO refreshing! Also three that I struggle with. Especially the feeling like I am not enough so love this lots!

    xo Laura Leigh

  3. Stephanie says

    You have no idea how badly I needed to read those verses this week. I’ve definitely been feeling overwhelmed and stressed out – blogging full time while wedding planning and certainly not having enough money in my checking account hahah it can certainly be a lot to handle. I gotta remember that He has everything under control, even when I don’t! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Anna English says

    Girl you are just as beautiful inside as you are out! Thanks for sharing your heart, I needed this reminder today.

  5. sarah lindner says

    Love all the quotes! Love how they are very positive! Also super cute outfit!
    Sarah Lindner

  6. Kristina says

    This is THE cutest outfit for summer- and I also have those earrings, love them!!

    xo, Kristina