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Off the Shoulder top • - Dashing Darlin'
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Reader Interactions


  1. Ruthie Ridley says

    ANGELLE!!! This is one of my FAVES! Head to toe PERFECTION. And I am walking thru this right now… “Admire someone else’s beauty without questioning your own.” Lord knowssss… such a good post my babe! xo

  2. Anna says

    This is great, Angelle! I’ve struggled with similar insecurities as well and it wasn’t until I entered my 30’s that I began to feel more confident. It still comes up, like you said, but I think having my blog is like facing my fears and has somehow been therapeutic. You look fabulous and I love that top! ~Anna http://www.pepperedinstyle.com

  3. Kristina Padgett says

    The off the should look is so adorable! I love it especially for spring and summer. This outfit looks amazing on you! Hope you have a great Wednesday 🙂


  4. Kristen says

    first, you are stunning!! And this top looks insanely gorgeous on you! And the shoes, I cant. your whole outfit is amazing~

  5. Annie says

    I love this look! I am obsessed with anything off the shoulder this Spring and I love how you paired this top with distressed white denim!

  6. michelle says

    First of all I want to say how much I love off the shoulder tops. Second of all I want to say how much I love the blue on white. So cute

  7. Kim says

    As always…gorgeous but inspiring! You have a way with words and I love your approach and honesty. I know your talk will touch these women and lift them up. God is doing a good work in you my friend, way to be faithful to his calling for you!

  8. janna doan says

    angelle–you are such a beauty INSIDE AND OUT. i loved reading this post and think many women/girls struggle with it at some point in our lives. i think as we get older it’s about realizing that life is short, and we learn to become happy with ourselves!! it’s the key to life right?! i mean not to sound cliche, but life is short right?! so choose happiness! even so, i know sometimes comparison gets the best of us. but you’re right. i think writing your strengths down is a great idea. i also think maybe even writing them down and saying them out loud helps to reinforce as well! either way. grateful for you, xoxo,

    janna | http://www.jannadoan.com

  9. NAtasha Kingsbury says

    Our thought process was very similar and it seems like 28 was the magic number for me too. That’s when I realized a lot and I grew so much that year! With that being said, you are beautiful and I love your whole outfit… perfect for a spring day! Those shoes stole my heart!

  10. Christine Anne says

    Love this shirt! I’ve been having a love for off the shoulder tops or slit through at the shoulders and drappy. 🙂 These are perfect for summer and spring. This color looks so good on you too!

  11. Rebecca Hicks says

    Thank you for sharing… I really needed to hear that today! It’s so easy to get caught up in the comparison game and forget that we are loved and cherished by God. He made us to glorify Him, not to be the best/prettiest/most talented person out there.

    And you look stunning in that color!!