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19 years and counting - Dashing Darlin'
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Reader Interactions


  1. Nataly says

    Happy anniversary girl! You two are so adorable! Our 4 year anniversary is on the 11th!

  2. Audrey Marie says

    I love this! I’ve been with my boyfriend for 3 years now (not 19, but still!) and this list includes some great reminders. Communication is #1 to a successful and loving relationship. Number 2 is, of course, those piggyback rides 😉

  3. Ashley says

    This seriously melted my heart! My husband and I have been together for 10 years, but have only been married for (almost) 2 of them! These are amazing pieces of advice that every married couple should live by. I feel like we are still learning though (I died laughing at number 9…because I’m still learning to forgive this one!!!) and appreciate your words of wisdom!! Cheers to 19 years!!

  4. Stephanie says

    Oh my gosh I absolutely love this post. In all honesty, I’ve been looking forward to reading it all day since I saw your photo on Instagram this morning. These tips are definitely to be valued. I especially love the part about forgiving his farts hahahaha! I hope to be in such an awesome place 19 years into my future marriage. Congratulations you two!

    Stephanie // SheSawStyle.com

  5. Brittany Daoud says

    Wow that is so amazing! Congrats to 19 years, you two are a beautiful couple! And thanks for sharing your tips, I’m sure they will be useful for my hubby and I 🙂 We are coming up on 2 years this September!

  6. Kristen Kavan says

    this brought so much joy to my heart! May 9 is my anniversary too! We celebrated two years. I hope I’m as happy as you are in 17 years! Congrats!

  7. Ruthie says

    I love these images SO MUCH!!! These nuggets are true WISDOM!! Y’all are goals and I just love that you are such an example to everyone!!! We approach 9 years this year!! I hope we are this happy, cute and hot 10 years from now!!! XO