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Reader Interactions


  1. Sam @ The Haunted Housewife says

    The holidays are a lonely time for me, I’m not a fan of Christmas really… and I don’t have much family around. Your post was on point, I’m glad I’m not the only one. And you’re looking sharp! 😉 I love that dress!

  2. Nicole Green says

    What a beautiful dress! I love that you rely on acts of kindness and faith to remember your sister by; I’m sure she would love that.

  3. Autumn Murray says

    Great dress and coat! I haven’t heard of Reckless Love – going to check it out. Thanks!

  4. Sofia Sakare says

    You are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.. This – do random acts of kindness throughout the entire month – always help me! Anytime feeling down myself- I go and do something kind – and it helps tremendously!

  5. Morgan says

    I’m so sorry that this time of year has such a heavy emotional weight to it for you! You’re so right though that surrounding yourself with positive and uplifting friends and family can make all the difference!

    How 2 Wear It []

  6. meagen says

    I love love love your coat! It is perfect for this time of year 🙂 And I love your 4 ways to beat the holiday blues – definitely something to follow all year long – thanks for sharing!

  7. Amber Nall says

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my Dad exactly a year ago today. Your tips to help beat the holiday blues will really come in handy! You look gorgeous!

  8. Kim says

    I agree with you on all of these! Sometimes we just get so wrapped up in all the holiday craziness that we forget the real meaning of Christmas. I’m completely OBSESSED with this dress!


  9. Jessica says

    I lost my daughter the weekend after Thanksgiving 3 years ago now. I understand those blue all too well! Thank you for sharing this beautiful post to honor your sister and share how we can face those hard days. xo, Jessica

  10. Nicole Leffew says

    So sorry for your loss babe. I love these ideas though. My grandma always used to pay for the person behind Her in Drive thrus so I try to do that also.