We all aspire to be healthier emotionally, mentally and especially physically. My aspirations started coming a reality when I first got healthy spiritually. I started a journey to know, understand and mimic the God who created me. He taught me discipline, self-control, and balance which He’s still tweaking some things.
I just want to share some practical steps/choices that have brought tremendous growth and health overall to my life over the past few years.
1} FOCUS on the GOOD:
The thoughts and words about yourself, your body, your life, your talents, your future, and the world around you should take the approach of “the glass is half full” not “the glass is half empty”.
“A NEGATIVE MIND will never give you a POSITIVE LIFE.”
Don’t get me wrong, I love movies, social media, music and The Bachelor. BUT, I know that I have to have another outlet feeding my mind and my heart the good stuff.
I choose a couple of devotionals {my fav is Love Letters from God by Ivan Tait}, and I try to read a few inspirational books a year {my favorite authors are Danny Silk and Francis Chan}. I don’t do well with the reading tracks like “read your bible in a year” {hello, I’m a free spirit “trying” to be organized.. seriously, the struggle is real}, but that is another great option for you nerds. “YOUR STRENGTH lies in your intimacy with God.”
3} Get more ORGANIZED:
Some are naturally gifted with organization and planning. Others {like me} are not so gifted in this area. Set practical goals weekly, monthly and long term. It’s the daily to do list, the decluttering, the balance, the simplifying that is needed in all of our lives. “When we clear the physical CLUTTER from our lives, we literally make way for more inspiration and GOOD orderly direction to enter.”
If it’s 15 minutes, 30 minutes or an hour, it’s all up to you how long and how intense you want to exercise. It is so important for our bodies to be having some form of resistance training a few times a week. A one hour workout is only 4% of your day. Ouch!! Just do it!! “When you lose all of your excuses, you find all of your results.”
If only, we could have a little robot that would buy us our food, cook us our food, and feed us all of the right nutritious meals.. like everyday. Life would be easier!! In Louisiana, cooking light or healthy is a joke. BUT, I’m determined to cut out the sugar, processed foods and soft drinks {including Red Bull}… I’m keeping my butter and cornbread with honey drizzled over it for that cheat day!! NOTE TO SELF: when I eat like crap, I feel like crap. “Every time that you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.”
It’s proven that friendships were destined to bring joy, comfort and companionship. Life is a little too dull without those moments of glee and making fond memories with ya girlfriends. Be intentional with planning those friend dates. It’s good for the soul. “BECAUSE OF YOU, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a lot more.”
And, listen more!! Ask questions and, learn more!! It can be mentally challenging but emotionally rewarding to know someone’s heart and dreams. “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.”
The best way to break out of your “all about me being happy” mindset and to become a more balanced, healthier you is volunteer at a local nursing home, hospital or homeless shelter. You will bless that elderly, sick or poor man or woman so much, but the greatest reward will be the amount of love that begins to explode inside of you for these precious people. “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with GREAT LOVE.”
Have a day once a week where you are off the grid. No schedule, no social media, no diet plan.. Just relax and enjoy simplicity and sugar!! Ha!! “In the age of speed, I began to think, nothing could be more invigorating than going slow.”
10} BE WISE:
We just started the CASH ONLY style of living. Eeeek!! I’m dying and it’s only day 1!! Part of me is super excited because it forces me to be wiser with what I spend our money on. Side note: I might have given up Red Bull because of this budget. It’s a budget buster!! Ha, it’s unhealthy and expensive. See, wisdom is already transpiring!! “It’s not your salary that makes you rich, it’s your spending habits.”
Thanks for taking time to read my top ten for a healthier lifestyle. It’s means so much to me that you stopped by my blog. Comment below if you have any tips to add to the list.
{outfit link: www.liketk.it/25eYg}
{photography: www.angiejohnson.photos}
Great post my dear!!! You can be a model! Did you know that?!
I love you!!! Thanks so much, Ruthie
Great motivational post! Good luck with all of these! I am trying to save money and eat better this year! No soda or processed foods. I imagine it being tougher to eat healthy in Louisiana, you guys have all the yummy Southern comfort food! I am hoping to visit Louisiana again! I loved it SO much!
Thanks!! And, yes, it's so hard to eat healthier here with all of this soul food!! Staying away from soda and processed food is difficult too though. If you come to New Orleans, PLEASE, let me know 😉
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