So, who doesn’t love a pretty handbag?!? My momma loves to purchase a new bag for each season. She doesn’t trash the one from last season. She just adds to the collection. Those one of a kind pieces are just exciting to hunt for, and I do love to add to my collection too. I still have a bag that Mike bought me on our 2nd anniversary. Yes, I love when there is some sentimental value attached to it too.
When there is detail and lots character involved, I’m almost immediately sold. So, the bags at DC Bags get me every single time. This embroidered detail is just stunning. I love the pairing of colors and the design.
DC Bags has so many options for you to choose from based on your preference. From backpacks to cross bodies to clutches, there is something for everyone.
THOSE are a few of my DC favorites. I LINKED more HERE and HERE. My discount code expires on July 31 but make sure to frequently check their website, HERE . They have new arrivals and sales happening regularly.