“There’s nothing wrong with you. There’s a lot wrong with the world that you live in.”
Chris Coffer
I detest more than anything when people think that it is funny or it is their place to spend their time tearing someone else down, telling them what they don’t approve about them.
If it’s not constructive criticism to help someone or encourage someone to grow in an area, then in my book, it’s straight up bullying!!
: it is indirect or direct act of belittling someone else or making them feel inferior.
: it is an aggressive behavior intended to hurt another person mentally or physically.
: unkind spoken words and unkind written words on a screen have power.
My take on it is they are insulting and belittling others because they are insecure of something that they are lacking.
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29-32
Insecurity can rear its ugly head. It can take place within a marriage, a friendship, a family or with strangers. When we start measuring ourself & others to a certain standard, we have to be careful because we will all fall short of that standard. Our reaction to that will be ugly, and we will become judgmental of ourself (condemn) & judgmental of others (gloat over their weaknesses). Too much of our thinking is the opposite OF HIS. It is not positive OR UPLIFTING.
LUCY SAYS to Charlie Brown: “discouraged again Charlie Brown? You know what the trouble is?
Lucy was straight up a BULLY!!
There are so many signs of insecurity, but I want to focus on these two signs:
:wants the attention;
:wants it your way// controlling;
:high expectations of others;
:critical of others;
:tend to point out the bad in others & not the good;
:No grace for others!!
Here’s my solution or suggestion to bullies:
STOP searching for the wrong medication for your bo-bo’s {your insecurity}.
It isn’t belittling others.
The remedy is simple because it is Jesus!!!
The more you find HIM and His love and acceptance; the more you will find YOURSELF.
Then, you begin to imitate HIM: TALK, WALK, THINK, and LIVE like HIM!!
“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.” Romans 12:10
My suggestion to the ones being effected by the bully:
EXPOSE the lies and the one that is victimizing you. Don’t let them have power over you.
Find a group of friends who can support you and encourage you to walk it out with grace and with forgiveness.
And, don’t let those words or actions define who you are.
“Don’t let anyone’s ignorance, hate, drama or negativity stop you from being the best person that you can be.”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at the things that shine.”
I hope that we all will eagerly stand against bullying and cyber bullying.
I had to include this striped lace-up top that I scored at forever21 because I can’t say no to stripes. I love the gold details. And, if you haven’t joined in with the flare jeans, you must. I have to admit that they are way comfier than my skinnies. #justsayin
Shop a similar outfit in my shop my post below.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. And, please, share your thoughts regarding bullying. I’d love to hear them.
photography: angiejohnson.photos
I know this post is about a very important topic, one that deserves all our attention. As I grandparent, I am concerned for my grandchild coming up in this world where even politicians are bullying the public to get their way. Anyhow, question that I must ask – are vertical stripes out of style? It seems so hard to find tops like that these days.
Beautiful words, hair, and outfit love! This post couldn’t be more perfect. Hugs, Kait
It meant so much that you took time to speak on this subject! Being bullied isn’t much fun. Praise I have Jesus, and I know he loves me or I would really let the bulling get the best of me! Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. Also, the stripes always look great on you! Love the look!
Great post!!! Awesome message and adorable outfit :). I love Ephesians 4:29-32. So powerful.
Danielle | AccordingtoD.com
Wonderful message, I completely agree (of course). And beautiful top – I love the lace up detail!
Powerful and true words! Love the scriptures you used. It is such a shame!!! Love this top Angelle! You look flawless! xo
Your writing is so on point. As well as your hair! Love the outfit too!
Great and true words. Love your hair and the striped top!
Love the stripes and whole outfit
I think that it is a really sad thing that we live in a world that can punish us for being our true selves. Especially during the oh so important years of being a child, it’s amazing to me that society wants to drain us of our curiosity and creativity. Bullies are very often afraid of anything that is different and haven’t been taught effective coping mechanisms for that fear. I hope this is something that changes and I appreciate that you’re opening up a dialog about it.
Fantastic post, if only it wasn’t necessary. Bullying is the worst epidemic our society faces today.
Great post. Your writing about this unfortunately important topic is fantastic.
lucy was a bully! great article!!
So true! It’s amazing how much we let our insecurities guide our behavior.
“The more you find HIM and His love and acceptance; the more you will find YOURSELF.” YES, YES!