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Carnival Cruise to the Bahamas - Dashing Darlin'
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Reader Interactions


  1. meaghan says

    You ladies look so gorgeous!! And I’m in love with those strappy sandals!! All your beautiful photos are making excited for a beach wedding I’m going to in April : )

    Have a lovely week,

    Meaghan xx

  2. Estephanie says

    Omg great pictures ! 🙂
    It makes me want to go and plan a trip there! I cant believe I still haven’t visited!
    lol , thanks for sharing


    • dashingdarlinblog says

      Thanksssss, Krista!!! I still am swooning over my red cape dress. I also love that it covers the majority of the arm. Appreciate your sweetness. And, that half messy bun is just fun ?????


  3. Ruthie Ridley says

    Oh my gosh!! That water is to die for!! Clear blueee!! All of your outfits were STUNNING!! I need that cape dress. Loved all the little sea creatures and finds!! Also I NEED that bathing suit!! SO HOT!!

  4. candice says

    Gaaaaaaah I have been looking forward to this post girl!!! Looks like you had an amazzzzzzzing time!!! Totally loved following along through snapchat too!! Such a beautiful place an what an incredible experience you had with your girlfriends!



  5. http://www./ says

    Zelkiiro: I actually really like Brad’s expression. Its roughly rendered, but I like how it turned out. Rets looks pretty messed up, though. His ear is like attached to his neck. I do like his expression, too, though.TheBigGSN5: Yeah, that happens as a result of not really planning anything out. Lately I’ve been sort of not thinking things through when it comes to the drawings/comic layout.

  6. http://www./ says

    Dude…He’s so freaking hot. *_* Can’t. Stop. Staring. At pecs…*falls over*. T-t-t-t-tasty tasty. lol. Fergie. heh. Anyhoo, what are you talking about? That’s me! Aged like a bajillion years, mind you. lol. With ugly hair.