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Reader Interactions


  1. Meghan says

    I absolutely love this post and you! You are a true beauty inside and out and a blast to be around.

  2. Tatiana says

    Ahhhh, I’m smiling so big as I read this! It was the BEST time! Thanks to you and Meg for putting this together. The next one can’t come soon enough to see all these beautiful faces again!

  3. Jessica Sheppard says

    What a blast! You girls definitely had to be intentional about coordinating your schedules, but it would have been so worth it! Just the most fun ever and you all look stunning! Wow, a condo to house all of you, what a slumber party! You look awesome in berry, loving that jacket!

  4. Rachel Lynn says

    I love your berry jacket! I’ve never seen a berry jacket and this is absolutely perfect for fall. You pull it off amazingly 🙂 It definitely looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

  5. Wliae says

    omg this looks sooooo fun! I wish there was one of these where I live. All you ladies look fabulous and I love seeing your smiles.

  6. Heather Denniston says

    I have thought about putting a mastermind group together of bloggers. Like a group where each person is a specialist in something and we can all learn from each other. i love the first photo!

  7. Ruthie says

    This is epic!!! I’m so glad I got to see all these images!! Y’all look like you had a blast!!! I can’t wait to meet you next year mama!!

  8. Gverastyle says

    Angelle you are even more beautiful in person! Thank you so much for thinking of me and having me! I had a blast getting to know all of the ladies! Next year can’t come soon enough! Love ya, girl!

  9. janna doan says

    angelle–i am overdue for a visit here! couldn’t wait to see the rest of these FREAKING BAD @$$ photos!!! holy chic. i mean seriously. i’m over here like wth, you didn’t link EVERYONE’S OUTFIT?!?! lol. ok, i forgive you babe. i love seeing friendships that develop over common interest via social media, and seeing it actualize IN REAL LIFE. it is the best. i honestly don’t have many GFs, and knowing people like you make me feel like i have many friends!! i love the photos to pieces and soooooooo wish i was there!!! thank you so much for sharing! ps–Meg is gorgeous! xoxo,

    janna |