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Get that FLAWLESS face - Dashing Darlin'
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Reader Interactions


  1. Jessica Bradshaw says

    1- you’re gorgeous
    2- she’s stunning too
    3- I love the names of her products. So fantastic!! I am super intrigued! πŸ™‚ Love that it is waterproof!

  2. jordan says

    mama you look AMAZING! I love the idea of these products, and I am in the market for a good spring perfect foundation, but it’s been a struggle! Checking these out for sure!!

    xx | jordan taylor | petiteMODERN

  3. Jess Delmos says

    Your makeup is FLAWLESS!!! And your outfit is perfect! I will definitely have to try this makeup, I still haven’t found a foundation that I absolutely love yet. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Anna says

    First of all, girl, it’s not possible you are a mom of four – you look amazing! Second, I am with you, I don’t wear any make-up (with the exception of mascara and lipstick) out of sheer lack of time. With that said, I rely on products that naturally make my skin look as good as possible or that are fairly quick. This line looks incredible! Checking it out now. Happy Monday! XO

    Anna || A Lily Love Affair

  5. Ruthie says

    Angelle I’m with you!!! I’ve got 5 minutes Lolol!!!! I love this post so much!! Her products look incredible. Ps. YOU look like a queen!!!!!! Wow. Love the outfit sooooo much. Xoxox loves you

  6. Kristen says

    I cannot wait to try this! I am a sucker for NARS and if you’re saying it’s better than I have to try! Thanks for the review!

  7. Roselyn says

    Omg, I have never heard of this makeup but thank you so much for sharing! I totally want to try it!! You look amazing by the way!! Xo, Roselyn

  8. janna doan says

    angelle–hi darling! first off, you are ALREADY FLAWLESS!!! let’s just get that straight. but awesome you met Ashley, she is gorgeous! love the names of the brushes, i mean how can you say no to those? the SPF is also soooooo veryyyy important so i’m glad that is an ingredient in the velvet creme. girll… i know right summer is right around the corner and i’m so not ready for the heat!! i need waterproof everythannggg!! thanks for sharing this beauty find. xoxo,

    janna | http://www.jannadoan.com

  9. Ashley says

    I’ve never heard of this brand, but dying to try now!! Your makeup looks flawless!

    xo Ashley

  10. Daniela Vaughan says

    There is nothing better than having a makeover day to learn new skills and be introduced to new products. I am such a cheapskate with makeup products, but I think it’s probably time to invest in higher quality products. Or at least really good facial cleansers so I don’t NEED make-up. A girl can dream right?

  11. tara says

    Your skin looks AMAZING!!!! I am so so impressed how amazing your skin looks. I have been trying to figure out what I need to do to get my skin to look like this. I am so excited to check out her website and order this up!
    Xo, Tara

  12. Jaime says

    I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this brand before!!! You really do look flawless!!!! And I still can’t believe you have 4 kids!! I’m exhausted with 1 and look homeless most of the time, hahaha!!

  13. Paula Niziolek says

    You’re both gorgeous! The eye’s are killing me – in fact I might kill for eye makeup that looks like that and doesn’t make me look like a raccoon a couple hours after applying it.

  14. Ninz says

    You look amazing! I have never tried anything from this brand before but Im quite intrigued now… Thanks for sharing!


  15. Ann says

    First- your blog is so cute. Second- your pictures are gorg. 3. I can’t wait to try this! Great post Angelle!!!!!

  16. Mariam says

    I love how the sunscreen is already an ingredient in the foundation! I also have sensitive skin and especially to the sun. Applying sunscreen before hand just makes everything look to glossy. Love this post girl and you look so lovely!

    xo Mariam