It’s Monday morning, and it’s going to be a great week. On my way to church yesterday, my mind went to a moment that happened over 10 years ago around Easter time. This man that I have known since I was a child looked at me and said “you are pretty, but you’re sister looks like a movie star.”. Those words made me want to cry, and they definitely made me reject who I was on the outside even more. This memory made me take a look at myself and what language that I speak on the daily. How do I make others feel when we leave a conversation?? Am I speaking the language of heaven???
By the way, that comment doesn’t disturb me like it use to because my sister does look a movie star!!!
“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.” ~Albus Dumbledore
I think that we can all agree on the undeniable power of spoken WORDS. I’ve experienced the sting of harsh words more than once, and I’ve also experienced the warmth of kind, loving words (language of heaven). As a mother, it’s even harder to watch or to hear the effects that WORDS have on your babies. There is another level of emotions that begin to stir. I want to throat punch not only those kids, but the parents who allow that kind of behavior.
“… my heart stands in awe of your words… as one who finds great treasure.” -Psalm 119:161

“If you have the power to make someone HAPPY, do it. The world needs more of that.”
“Words can make a soul grow wings and strengthen them with the wind causing us to soar into our destinies.”

such a lovely post, agree, if you can make someone happy then do it! Loving your shots and stye in this post too!
I love everything about this post! From the outfit to the message:) Thank you for starting my week off inspired! Hope you have a great rest of your week!
xoxo, Hannah
Languuage and words are one of the most powerful inventions ever. They can hurt and they can make you love. Well written text.
This is so true. Words can hurt, but they can also heal. It’s important to know which words to listen to. Also, love your handbag and super cute shoes!
Such a cute look! Perfect for a spring day!
love the little takeaway of “how am i making others feel when I leave the conversation”
thanks for this!
You are STUNNING! Love this outfit, the jeans and the tee – everything!
I really like this post because its something that few people cognizantly think about. There have been many times where I’ve used the wrong words without meaning to be rude, but sometimes I wish that I had used better choices!
It’s sad when people feel a need to say things like that to others, especially when men say it to women. But I’m happy that you’ve found a way to use it to inspire this post. I love that Dumbledore quote and your funky chic flats.
Your photos are super cute! What a great smile. Yes, words do affect us, as much as we think they don’t. I always try to choose my words wisely, b/c I know how it feels to be on the receiving end of bad words.
I really love this post! As a mommy-to-be, it really gave me something to think about 🙂 Thanks for sharing! xo, Brittany |
I love these quotes so much, they are all so sweet.
& Your outfit is so cute!! Loving the denim.
cute & little
Ohmygawd! You pout together a great look! Loving the loafers so much!
Such a powerful post and as a therapist, I truly agree that words have such power!
Wow, such a beautiful post and I certainly agree that one should always seek to uplift as opposed to bringing people down – I’m in for the language of heaven.
I love your spirit and you look incredible.
Funmi xx
thanks for sharing your story, and yes we all must be speak words of encouragement!
This is such a powerful post – totally struck a chord with me. Love this outfit too by the way.
We should definitely be more kind with the words that we use especially to the people who are close to us. Our words can affect them in ways that we cannot imagine and that’s why we have to make sure we choose our words carefully. You’re completely right about leaving people with words that will inspire or empower them. That would be the best thing!
My love language is action and gifts, while my husband’s is words. We’ve had to learn each other’s love languages and appeciate them!
I love this post so much! YES, Words have so much power and i think a lot of people don’t realize it. It’s so important to speak life affirming words and to build each other up!