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Reader Interactions


  1. Ella Pretty Blog says

    Love your studded shoes – you look so pretty in this outfit! Also love your tips! I’m a huge believer in surrounding myself with positive energy 🙂

  2. Ashley says

    I love this post! These are great tips! You look amazing, babe! I need to head to Target to pick up these shoes! They are so good!!

  3. Steph says

    I love this post! I am pinning it so I have it to refer to. Also love your clutch.

    @trendyinindy ||

  4. Stephanie says

    I needed these tips today. I’ve got a terrible tendency to make mountains out of molehills (even if they don’t seem so small in the moment) and I need to learn to trust that God is in control. THAT is my number one way to be more positive. Thank you so much for sharing all this. I also am loving your cute clutch!

    Stephanie //

  5. gretchen says

    I love your outfit and everything about this post! I tend to be a pretty happy person but allow others to bring me down. I will be using your tips!

  6. adriana says

    These are SUCH great tips!! 🙂 I love your outfit too – that clutch is so dang adorable!