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Reader Interactions


  1. Rosalie says

    I loved reading through your goals, it helped remind me of why I want to finish mine. A while ago I switched my mindset from losing Xlbs to getting stronger – lifting Xlbs or running Y miles in Z minutes. It totally changed the way I approached going to the gym and made it a lot more fun and rewarding, as I could feel accomplished each and every time.

  2. Kim says

    All such great goals! I love this look and I have two tie front tees and can’t get enough of them!


  3. Sara says

    These are all such great goals girlfriend! I can relate to the marriage and blog business goals – these two always seem to get the back-burner!

    Thanks for sharing babe!

    xo, Sara

  4. Anna Baun says

    These are really great goals! I have a similar relationship/marriage goal. Couldn’t agree more -weekly date nights are a must! XO