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Reader Interactions


  1. Jamie Beckham says

    Love this whole look, so bright && perfect for summertime!

    Thank you for sharing your heart – I totally needed to read this on this Monday morning!
    I think letting go of fear and worries is such a struggle, but it is so awesome knowing we can lay all of our worries and anxieties on HIM and he will take them away for us.

  2. Rachel Ritlop says

    Love this post! It’s crazy to think about how much our fears and insecurities impact our lives for sure. Super cute outfit and pics.. you’re so gorg!

  3. Julie yuchnnewicz ( Jules❤️) says

    Wow , you just explained me!!! Thank you so much for this, I just got back from hearing Lisa Bevere speak in Houston and it was great , I prayed for my family before I left, they do not know Jesus, By time I got home I felt overwhelmed with sadness , rejection, the lies of the enemy telling me your prayers didn’t matter etc ??I have always struggled with rejection all my life and from my marriage if 30 years..struggled with fear of knowing what my purpose is in Christ , Prayer is my thing, but the struggle with my calling and purpose is tough, it burns in my heart for soul and prayer and speaking truth to others and prayer for the nation, I have battled so so much with the rejection and insecurity, fear of failure..I have an amazing testimony of what God brought me out of , I’m a walking miracle , living proof he’s our deliverer!????Thank you for sharing this and will quote these scriptures … I sure miss hearing you on Pink.insence ?God bless you and praying for you.

  4. Ash Sears says

    It’s kinda like you were in my head today. Anxiety has been such a problem for me lately. Really needed to read this post. Thanks!

  5. Ruthie Ridley says

    You look BEYOND amaazzzing!! This post just preaches to me! Over the past 3 years the Lord has taken me on a journey to fight fear and it has been hard but oh so rewarding and I have been empowered in His strength and promise. LOVED this post and the weighted truth behind it!!!! Love you friend!! XOXO

  6. Taylor Ann says

    Love everything about this post. God is there to help us conquer all our fears. Thank you for that reminder. And you look adorable.