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lifestyle of giving - Dashing Darlin'
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Reader Interactions


  1. Cara says

    Beautiful post and you look gorgeous as per usual! It’s always nice to be encouraged by others and to pay it forward.

  2. Ruthie says

    Ride or die friends are everything!! I cannot do this life without encouragement and wonderful people like YOU! I love this ENTIRE look…. again, I need your closet! Love you friend! XO

  3. Donna says

    Such a great post! Love your words and loving this outfit! Super cute and I love how you added the wedges!

  4. Iesha Thompson says

    I love the crochet top & the message that you have in the post. I agree when you say that life isn’t always about us, we have to think of others. Great post!

    Iesha aka Lesh

  5. Tami Qualls says

    I have a friend who has encouraged me in my journey to become a stay at home mom (after two decades of working outside the home). I honestly don’t think I could’ve done it without her cheering me on.

  6. Tonya Michelle says

    This hit home more than you could ever know right now. I passed on this message to my best friend who is currently moving across country to where I am and I think this is exactly what I’ve been wanting to say to her. Thanks again love, you’re such an inspiring soul.