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Reader Interactions


  1. Ruthie Ridley says

    First of all Angelle, you look amazing!! This top was seriously made for you!! LOVE the color!! I cannot wait to hear all about your trip! I will be living vicariously through you!!! xo

  2. Stacy Weber says

    This top is beautiful!! You wear it well!! And I love that necklace! I’m a bit of an overpacker myself. 🙂 Don’t want to get caught without something I “might” need!

  3. Julie says

    That top is perfect! Have a GREAT trip! I lived in Alaska for 4 years and loved it. I’m definitely over-due for a trip back.

  4. Kristin Kruse says

    You look fabulous in pink! YAY for Alaska–hope y’all have a wonderful time! I can’t wait to hear all about it & see pictures! Safe travels babe!!!


  5. Rachel says

    This top looks just darling! But I especially love your glasses. I’ve had my eye on a pair similar for a while now. This whole outfit is on point!

  6. Lauren says

    Wow that top is so fantastic! I would get so much use out of it!! Good luck with leaving your babies-try to have a good time and not worry so much!!

  7. Valerie Hansen says

    What a beautiful will love Alaska..I went on a cruise there a few years ago..such a gorgeous place to view!! Have fun and don’t worry about the babies they will be just fine! I know that worry all to well! Thankfully mine are grown and can stay alone now…but I miss them being little too!

    V Valerie

  8. Heather Johnson says

    You look so gorgeous Angelle! The drapey top and necklace are beautiful on you, and those shoes!?! Love! Have an amazing trip to Alaska – prayers comin’ your way! PS – I am also a member of day-before-over-packers anonymous, lol! Pack away I say ;).
    Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

  9. Patricia Conte says

    Wow — have a great trip to Alaska! I love every, single thing about this outfit (SHOES)! Looks great on you, and I’m checking out this top next…

  10. KatyRose says

    That looks like such an amazingly comfortable top!! I love outfits like this that are comfortable but still chic. – Katy