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MY FAVORITES LIST - Dashing Darlin'
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Reader Interactions


  1. Kylie says

    That dress it the CUTEST! And absolutely love how your styled it! Crushing on this whole outfit! XO

  2. Nonee N. says

    I’m so in love with both these outfits! That dress is simply beautiful and those OTK boots are so perfect!

  3. Ashley DTKAustin says

    Your photos are always so beautiful! i love the location you took these at!! So gorgeous!

  4. Emily - The Southern Belle Blogs says

    There a bit of me, the nosy bit, that absolutely loves “favorites” posts. I’m definitely going to check out the podcasts you linked to!

  5. Justine Y @ Little Dove says

    I love that dress so much! The detail on it is so pretty and makes the dress extra special. It looks really great on you too.

  6. Audrey Stowe says

    Your photos are so gorgeous! I have GOT to start This Is Us, I’ve heard amazing things about it.