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3 ways to style a basic button down - Dashing Darlin'
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Reader Interactions


  1. Jamie Beckham says

    Loving that button up, and how you styled it!
    So many cute accessories.

    xx, Jamie

  2. April says

    I absolutely love your outfit! Such classic style. I too am a firm believer that with any event that 10% is the event and 90% your reaction to it. I smiled when I read this because I have been saying this very thing to myself for a very long time.

  3. Nikki says

    Okay, I love love love this whole outfit! I need those jeans in my life! Also, is that pink stone necklace linked somewhere? I didn’t see it, but definitely could have missed it! I have a blue on just like it that I LOVE, and the pink/coral is so cute!

    XOXO, Nikki | http://www.casualblonde.com