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Reader Interactions


  1. Taylor Aube says

    This post is so important! Thank you for sharing and being so honest. I know my husband and I struggle with communicating our emotions in a sane and healthy way!

  2. Tammy says

    I love this so much. My hubby taught me how to communicate so well. I love just sitting with him and talking.

  3. Jessica Bradshaw says

    This is so true! The way you talk to each other and express feelings is so indicative of your relationship. Love your photos girl

  4. Annette Dattilo says

    Great post and tips. Congratulations on 20 yrs. My hubby and I will be celebrating our 20th this summer. 🙂

  5. Chaundra says

    I absolutely agree with this! Ignoring things only plants seeds of discord and resentment! Communication really is so important in all of our relationships. I can not tell you how many times my husband and I have to stop and give our definition of a word because we are each defining it differently which makes a huge difference when trying to understand the other person’s perspective. Great tips and a reminders!

  6. Natalia Loren says

    Love everything you brought up in this post. I completely understand the obstacles that arise in marriage esp when you put two opposites together (my hubby and I as well). Yet it’s the love, faith and these little reminders that get you through it. It’s going to be 9 years for me now and I can def. say those obstacles in the end made us stronger. Thsnks for sharing these tips with us and opening up abot something so personal.