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Reader Interactions


  1. Nicole says

    I love that Tom Ford quote! It’s something that I’ve been trying to instill into my kids. I wholeheartedly agree about the hair care! It’s so much easier with quality products and tools to achieve and maintain your desired look!

  2. Ruth says

    Great fashion and beauty tips for moms. Sometimes it’s hard to pull it together, when driving kids around.

  3. Sara says

    You are quite possibly the most darling human ever! I couldn’t agree more on your must-have wardrobe items and YES to allllll the texture/dry shampoo sprays haha!

    xo, Sara

  4. Nonee N. says

    The photography in this post is excellent 5/5 Stars! I’m loving this outfit! Okay, now that I got that out of the way, I’m always so happy to see such posts! They are so potent and necessary! Motherhood is different from person to person but the same in so many ways as well! Beautiful post!

  5. Brittany says

    I absolutely love these pieces. I also love Express jeans. One thing I’ve been buying a lot lately is plain long sleeves that can be layered because I realized that all my long sleeves were sweaters or had patterns and my plain tees were all short sleeve!

  6. Christina says

    You are gorgeous! I’m not a mom yet but I absolutely love your style and would wear that even now. I think a pair of jeans with a sweater or cardigan are always in and great for every day. Plus, you can always jazz it up as well. Simple but elegant.

  7. Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels says

    I completely agree with the good pair of jeans! Especially with tennis shoes, those Adidas are my favorite.

  8. Laura Rike says

    I love this outfit! Great style tips here! Especially the part where you talk about hair. I love my hair products.

  9. Sheree says

    I’m a mom of two so I know all about changing your personal style when you have kids in your life. I’ve traded my Louboutins for comfy kicks and loafers, stilettos to block heels and I’m never seen without my Mom bag when I’m out with kids. Its def a balance of style and function when you are out with kids.

    xo Sheree

  10. Laura says

    I absolutely love your mom style!! So happy to be able to link up with all the fabulous mamas for this series of posts!

    xo, Laura

  11. Caitlin says

    I cannot agree enough about neutrals and white tees. I own so many white tops now because they end up covered in some kind of goo – but it’s just a classic item that I can’t help but buy more when I find a new one I like!

  12. magen says

    I found my style changed a lot when I had my son too. I dress in a way I think is more respectable and functional. No more short dresses or shirts that hang too long. I need to be able to take care of my kid, but look stylish at the same time.

  13. Allie says

    First off… you look fabulous! Second, I feel the same way! I used to spend hours getting ready … in fact I was always the friend late to the dinner party because I was still getting ready! Then I became a mom… what a change holy crap! I’m
    Slowly finding my style again:)

  14. Meaghan says

    You are the most gorgeous mama ever! I think this every single time I see you. You are proof that dressing in what makes you feel confident and beautiful shines through- you radiate confidence and joy! I love all of these styling tips and agree 100% on the importance of great basics.

    Meaghan xx

  15. Shaylyn Rae says

    love love love this outfit! This is such a cute post. Thank you for sharing how your style has changed!

  16. Stephanie // A Sparkle Factor says

    I absolutely love this post! And so many great tips that, really, aren’t even just for moms. The perfect white tee, the perfect jeans, the perfect booties, the perfect cardi… totally key components of a great wardrobe!