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Reader Interactions


  1. Candace says

    Your daughter is so gorgeous and I see where she gets it from 🙂 It’s so amazing that you have experienced some of the same things she is now and can offer her not only advice, but wisdom, which means so much more. I’ll have to look into OLLY for my teenage stepson to see if they have a boy version!


  2. Belle says

    Such a great advice! I would say that to my kids as well. Because when I was young, like you, I tend to abuse my body. Even if I was tired, I would still go out and have fun with my friends even though I knew I shouldn’t be.

    Belle | One Awesome Momma

  3. Mary Powers says

    Love this post, Angelle!!! Your daughter is such a beauty! Gosh I wouldn’t go back to those young years for anything. Thank God carried me through them! Those vitamins sound amazing. Need them for my girls!

    – Mary

  4. Stephani says

    You and your daughter are so cute!! Love all these shots of you two! And I’ve been hearing such great things about OLLY vitamins I’ll have to try some sometime! And omg teen years.. so true about being the best and worst! Teenage life can be so hard for kids so glad you’re open with your daughter and share insight with her! I hope to do the same for my daughter one day! Love your tips!!

    Xo, Steph

  5. Willow says

    I remember parts of my teenage years like they were yesterday too. I would tell my younger self to quit comparing herself to others as well. It’s good that you are teaching your daughter that!

  6. Debbie Savage says

    This post is so special to me! My 13 year old is experiencing lots of life growing moments right now. This really hits home!

  7. Tif says

    Aww–so sweet! And this is all great advice–the teenage years can be difficult and hard to navigate.

  8. Sandy a la Mode says

    This is just the sweetest!! Your daughter is gorgeous – teenage years are no joke!