Hello friends,
This post is dedicated to two of my favorites.
Let me start by introducing my fabulous, beautiful parents.
My dad, Roderick Aguillard, turned 80 years young yesterday.
And, my mom, Mary Aguillard, is 76 years young today.
They met each other in high school and were married by 15 and 19 years old. And, y’all, they are still thriving after 61 years of marriage, 5 kids, 28 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren {we are missing a few in the picture below}. I count myself and my family rich to have these two as our parents/grandparents/great-grandparents.

Are we a perfect family??! NO way.
But, my parents have taught us the value in having a deep relationship with Jesus. It’s key in living life with purpose. It’s key in having healthy relationships with other flawed humans.
My parents have left a beautiful legacy for us. This legacy has been branded on my heart.
Proverbs 13:22- “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.”
legacy:// something that is handed down from one period of time to another period of time.
Legacy is usually connected to what financial inheritance that one leaves behind for their family. But, a beautiful legacy is modeling, teaching, and passing on wisdom nuggets, passion for prayer, love for God and love for others. Legacy is also about taking time, sharing stories, and speaking life into your kids and your grandchildren. It’s about being intentional and being a Godly example which will leave an eternal impact on lives.

All of the above is what these two precious beings have built in our Aguillard family and beyond the family too. When we honored my dad for his birthday, we had an open mic session. Every word from friends and family was honoring the Godly legacy, the unwavering joy, and unconditional love that both of my parents have deposited into so many hearts. That is the beauty of leaving a legacy.
They are forever impacting lives. .
I am proud to call them, Dad and Mom.
AND, Happy Birthday to you both!! xoxo
Yes they are awesome and I feel privileged to have their lives touch mine. We don’t get to see them much but ever time we do their deep love is extended. I must say as well it is so awesome to see their mantle upon you, Stephen, Laura and many of those beautiful grandchildren. A truly blessed family.