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quick and easy meals for dinner for the entire family - Dashing Darlin'
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Reader Interactions


  1. Kelssey Layton says

    First of all, you have the cutest boys!! And that meal looks amazing! I am a big fan of anything that cooks in the crockpot! Definitely trying this out!

  2. candy says

    Throwing something together in the crockpot before leaving for work in the morning or on the week end is always a great choice.

  3. Stephanie says

    My boyfriend and I both swear by Crockpot meals! I learned them from my mom and he picked them up from me, so now they’re our go-tos on those super busy days when we don’t have time to actually make a full meal but don’t want to eat out. This looks super delicious – and those kiddos are ADORABLE!

    Stephanie // SheSawStyle.com

  4. Sydney says

    These photos are just adorable, I also love using a crockpot, it saved my mom for family dinners with out busy lives growing up

  5. Ruthie says

    With our evenings being more and more consumed by sports and activities crockpot has become my best friend! This meal looks so dang good! I’m coming to your house for dinner next time LOL!!!!