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how our love story began - Dashing Darlin'
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Reader Interactions


  1. Jessica Sheppard says

    Angelle, love your beautiful journey and love story. Your pics are fabulous too! So grateful for godly, strong relationships the model what love really is…centered around the love of Jesus. You are two are inspiring…goals!

  2. tiffani at Breton Bay says

    This was very inspiring to read. My husband and I are coming up on our 9 year anniversary and more than ever we are constantly communicating at how to stay as strong as we are now (which is stronger than ever!!) And like you both admitted, it hasn’t been easy, but communication and DATING as been key for us too. We feel our relationship is the best gift we can give our 3 babies that watch our every. single. move.


  3. Brittany Daoud says

    This is such a sweet love story! It’s so nice to get a little insight into how people met and different perspectives on relationships and marriage! Thanks for sharing yours!

  4. Stephanie says

    This was an absolutely beautiful post to read today! I love that Christ was seriously the center of your relationship, before marriage even entered the equation. That makes a world of difference, and it truly provided a beauty to the two of you as a couple. You’re an inspiration to me in my own relationship, and I thank you for sharing both of your hearts in this!!

    Stephanie // SheSawStyle.com

  5. Sara says

    This is such a sweet story! I used to journal about my future husband too and I thought I was the only one!
    Xo Sara